Duncan Hannah 1952-2022
In 1971 Duncan Hannah, a Minnesota native, moved to NY where he found his creative home. For over 40 years Duncan crafted his unique life and unique art with intelligence, curiosity, and integrity. Educated at Parsons School of Design and Bard College, Duncan pursued painting as well as writing and acting. He was an artist of acclaim, receiving numerous honors including a Guggenheim Fellowship. He exhibited his work at prominent galleries and museums throughout the US.
His work is part of numerous private and public collections. Amongst them are the Art Institute of Chicago, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Frederick Weisman Art Museum. In 2018 his “growing up” book, “Twentieth Century Boy” was published by Penguin Random House. In 2022 Duncan passed away at his country home in West Cornwall, Connecticut. Groveland Gallery was proud to exhibit his work and his contributions to the art world will be long remembered.
Artist Statement:
The roots of my work stem from the romantic imagination of my youth. I made pictures to explore the people and places I was moved by in books and films. As I grew older and studied the history of painting and its practice, I realized that these desires could provide a framework for a lifetime of painterly investigations. Although each painting is a self sufficient entity, together they seem to make up a fictional world that resonates with me. DH, 2016