“'Between Dog and Wolf' is an old French expression for dusk, that time between day and night when the dim light makes it difficult to distinguish between the known and the unknown; when a shepherd might confuse the dog guarding the herd for the wolf stalking it."
Gregory Graham grew up in Watervliet, New York. He received his BA and MA from the State University of New York at Albany, and his MFA from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Graham has been the recipient of numerous awards, including grants from the Jerome Foundation and the Minnesota State Arts Board. His most recent show was Person. Place. Thing., a three person exhibition in 2016-17 at St. Cloud State University. He lives and works in Saint Paul.
Artist Statement:
“Between Dog and Wolf” is an old French expression for dusk, that time between day and night when the dim light makes it difficult to distinguish between the known and the unknown; when a shepherd might confuse the dog guarding the herd for the wolf stalking it. For me, this phrase also suggests those crossover moments between wakefulness and sleep; neither awake nor asleep, yet somehow both, not certain what is real and what is unreal.