Winter Salon
2Groveland Gallery is pleased to present Winter Salon, our winter group exhibition featuring new work from 20 Groveland Gallery artists.
Groveland Gallery’s annual Winter Salon opens Saturday December 2, 2023. Unique to this exhibition, art can be purchased “off the wall”. New works will be hung throughout the six-week exhibition, so the collection will continue to surprise. The show will feature a mixture of paintings, drawings, watercolors and original prints. Included will be work by well-known Groveland Gallery artists as well as artists new to the gallery’s stable. Many of the pieces in this varied exhibition will be small-scale, offering plenty of opportunities to discover a gem from a favorite artist—or perhaps from a new one!
The artists will be present at the opening reception Saturday, December 2 from 2-5 pm. The exhibition continues through January 13, 2024 and runs concurrently with Time Taken, new work by Joshua Cunningham.