Plein Air SmackDown IX

Groveland Gallery & Guest Artists

August 10, 2019

Plein Air SmackDown IX

The Plein Air SmackDown returns for its 9th year. On Saturday, August 10th, 25 gallery and guest artists will be painting “en plein air” at Coldwater Spring, a section of the National Park located south of Minnehaha Falls. During the event, visitors will have access to the park including the restored prairie and wetland, the trails, and the ruins of the springhouse.



10am – 12pm:  NPS Rangers and Staff will greet visitors at Coldwater Spring with coffee, donuts, and maps to the artists’ locations.

10am – 3:30pm:  Artists will be painting on location. The public is encouraged to visit and observe.

4 – 6pm:  All artists and observers are invited to return to Groveland Gallery for a party and sale on the front porch at the end of the day.


An online interactive Google map of artist locations at Coldwater Spring can be found HERE.  A printable map available for download is available HERE.


SmackDown artists include: Richard Abraham, Fred Anderson, Scott Lloyd Anderson, Michael Banning, Maddy Bradley, Carl Bretzke, Kristie Bretzke, James Conaway, Christopher Copeland, Joshua Cunningham, Robert Dorlac, Larry Hoffman, Susan Horn, Aaron Jacobs, Cindy Koopman, Greg Lecker, Stuart Loughridge, Tom Maakestad, Barbara McIlrath, Jill Michell, Dan Mondloch, Mary Nagel Klein, Jason Sacran, Holly Swift, Justin Terlecki, and Bob Upton.


This year’s event is being held in partnership with the National Park Service and Mississippi Park Connection, the Friends Group of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MNRRA).